About Us

FSE Lifestyle Services Limited is a listed company in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 0331.HK), whose ultimate holding company is FSE Holdings Limited. We are a leading lifestyle services conglomerate with 3 major business segments: property & facility management services, city essential services and E&M services.

Service Competencies

Property & Facility Management Services

Urban Group

  • Property & Facility Management

International Property Management Limited

  • Property Management

Kiu Lok Service Management Group

  • Property Management, and Sales & Leasing

City Essential Services

Waihong Services Group

  • Cleaning & Pest Control Services

Far East Engineering Services Group

Turning Technical Services Limited

  • Technical Support & Maintenance Services

General Security Group

Perfect Event Services Limited

  • Security Guarding & Event Services

Nova Insurance Group

  • Insurance Solutions

FSE Environmental Solutions Group

  • Environmental Solutions

E&M Services

FSE Engineering Group
Majestic Engineering
Young's Engineering

  • Engineering Consultancy on Installation

xFY2024 Financial Highlights

Revenue (HK$M)
Gross profit (HK$M)
Profit attributable to shareholders(HK$M)
Earning per share (HK$)
*For the year ended 30 June 2024

Operational Performance

New and Renewed Contracts in FY2024*
19 Contracts
HK$149 million

Remaining Works at 30 June 2024
HK$885 million
New and Renewed Contracts in FY2024*
328 Contracts
HK$3,996 million

Remaining Works at 30 June 2024
HK$6,851 million
New and Renewed Contracts in FY2024*
32 Contracts
HK$2,720 million

Remaining Works at 30 June 2024
HK$5,786 million
* With net contract sum not less than HK$1 million for each contract.

Major Clients

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